Experience design that starts with intention.

I am obsessed with the mechanics of how and why we gather. I feel most alive and inspired when designing ways to bring us together. 

What does this look like in practice? Well, for one, I like to create experiences and invite people to join in on the fun.

Formats that I usually play in:

  • intimate dinners (think 6-15 people)

  • readings & salons

  • day & weekend retreats

  • 1-2 hour workshops

  • makers markets

  • intimate to mid-sized concerts (10-120 guests)

Themes that excite me:

  • personal growth

  • matters of the spirit

  • professional or personal connections

  • igniting creativity

  • relationship to self & how that impacts relationship to other

  • shadow side work a.k.a. the taboo topics

  • reconnecting to inner child

If you know me, you know I am a dabbler. I follow things that energize me. Sometimes that’s thinking about processing trauma, other days it’s a deep dive into embroidery. The through-line for anything that I produce is that I’m interested in it and I think others might be, too.

Get a taste of my work or join me for an upcoming experience.

Aside from producing my own events, I love collaborating with others to bring their vision to life. I’d love to help you design your wedding, grand opening, 40th birthday party, retreat, storytelling event, or team building experience.



We’ll start with the why. What purpose are we trying to serve? Who needs to be there? How do we want people to feel when then leave?

We start with purpose.

How do we create an offering in your cafe that will not only bring awareness to your brand, but also nourish the community in the way they need? Why are you getting people together for your wedding? To join families, to celebrate love, to honor your parents and lineage? I work with you to design an event starting from your individual needs.

We’ll design around your unique need.

I’ll bring in the right players to help us execute.

I believe in collaboration—that the sum is better than the parts. I’ll pull in the people and companies that are aligned with what we are designing and orchestrate our flow from start to finish.

Just need someone to make sure your event goes off without a hitch? Ask me about day-of coordination.