One-On-One Support For Writers
Tired of writing alone?
Whether you need to talk through story development, workshop your writing process, or regain momentum on a project, I’m here for you.
One-Time Riffing Session
Tired of writing in a alone?
In this 90-minute session, my goal is to provide an empathetic ear and an honest sounding board. I’ll start by getting context around your work, your goals, and what a successful session would feel like for you. Then I’ll ask the questions, or provide the framework and tools, to help you to get unstuck or go deeper with your project.
$180 / session
3-Month Writing Companionship
Are you craving sustained support, accountability, and coaching around your writing?
With this service, I’ll meet with you, virtually, once per month for 90-minutes and also check-in periodically via text/email (based on your preference). Sessions could range from narrative development, to moving through writer’s block, light editing or notes, fine-tuning the writer’s process, or simply providing a mirror.
$725 total
I enter this work as a facilitator, first.
If you’re like, “wait, what’s a facilitator, exactly?” — let me explain.
Facilitators are guides brought into groups to help move a project or goal along. What a coach is to an individual, a facilitator is to a group. Facilitators are not teachers (though a great majority of teachers are expert facilitators) and they are not gurus with answers—Facilitators are curious guides that use a variety of techniques to shepherd a conversation and harness the wisdom and experience of the room. They bring out the best of what is already there. They bring synthesis, clarity, focus, and a plan forward.
I have been a facilitator in many different forms and settings including creative, corporate, and community-organizing, with groups of upwards of 150 people to groups as intimate as 2-3.
In 2023, I formally began offering Riffing Sessions to entrepreneurs and small businesses and in 2024, I decided to extend the offering to writers, as it seemed a natural progression given I started facilitating multiple weekly writing circles with groups that support writers in different ways: Foster and Novlr.
It’s a nice benefit that I also write.
Easter, second grade, I received my first journal. It was lime green and had Winnie The Pooh with a bumble bee on his nose. I’ve been writing ever since, sometimes flying through multiple journals in a 12-month span. Writing has been my lifelong companion—I write to to remember, to understand myself and the world around me, to find language for feelings that are muddy, and to put down on paper what is hard to say out loud.
I studied English, with an emphasis in Creative Writing at UCLA. I write poetry, personal essay (check out my newsletter), and I am attempting to write a memoir about my journey with an eating disorder. I perform monthly at Brooklyn Poets YAWP, where I was a Poem of the Year Finalist in 2022, for my poem, “What I Will Remember About My Mother." My poems have appeared online and in print in Frost Meadow Review (2020) and Dead End Zine (2024).
How I work
I will use the same general framework for both service types. One-time sessions are a bite-size version of a 3-month writing companionship. If you need help getting un-stuck that will necessitate one set of tools, if you want to review drafts and get feedback, that will look slightly different. Please note this is fluid and it will bend to suit each writer’s needs.
Get to know you, your project, & the type of support you need.
This part includes a lot of listening. My biggest priority is to understand you, your why, and where you want your project to go so that I can determine how to best help get you there.
Mirror back what I see/hear/sense that is really alive.
Creating anything in a silo is super hard! I’ll share what I perceive is giving you the most energy. This is probably the thing that is most true and salient for you (pssst: it’s also likely the thing that will resonate the most with your readers). I’ll also share if anything seems to be draining you so we can narrow in on any part of your writing process that might be tweaked to keep you in more of a state of flow.
Provide a framework for the task at hand.
Whether that’s getting unstuck, revamping your process, or simply getting a second set of eyes on your writing, I’m a big believer in boundaries inducing creativity. I’ll bring my facilitation toolkit to create the conditions for us to play, get curious, look at the thing from many sides, and bring fresh energy to your work.
Synthesize & pinpoint priorities.
You can do everything, but not all at once. I’ll work with you to establish your next focal point so that the work that needs to get done isn’t getting pushed to the sidelines.
Create plan & set a timeline.
We’ll break it down to tangible, achievable, process-oriented pieces and create a timeline that takes your capacity, schedule, and goals into thoughtful consideration. We want to find a writing pace that works for you so that you stay writing.
I’ll check in.
For one-time sessions, we’ll set a date for a light check-up (or book a follow-up session if you wish!). For the companionship, we’ll set the next meeting date and in the meantime I’ll reach out via text/email (depending on your preference) to see how you are doing periodically. I’m totally not going to hover, like at all, but a little accountability goes a long way.